Friday, October 25, 2013

So Worth The Wait ... post 2

After the arrival of Nora Kate the next few days are a little bit of a blur.  The day after her birth she developed jaundice and was placed under the bili lights so we were limited to see her only during visitation times which was hard for this new momma and daddy.

Just getting my tan on with my cool girl shades!!

My paci covers my whole face but it's yum, yum good!

We visited every opportunity we could and during the mean time we had to shop for new clothes.  We left for the hospital in such a hurry we only packed one change of clothes and of course we couldn't bare to think to leave her in Southaven while we came home to Corinth; so we did the next best thing ... SHOP!!!  Plus this gave us an opportunity to buy her a few little gifts to welcome our sweet girl into this world. 

Nora stayed under the bili lights all day Monday and Monday night and on Tuesday at 11am we finally got to hold her again.  You guessed it this momma and daddy didn't put her down.  Well let me take that back ... we had to put her down a little while so she could take her hearing test plus this gave us a quick opportunity to install the car seat base (remember we thought we had a few more weeks to prepare for this) so out comes the instruction book and poof we were set.  The afternoon flew by as we waited for 4pm.  At 4pm her final labs would be back plus her recheck bili level which was the determining factor for getting discharged.  All came back good so we were set.  The lawyer arrived all documents signed and off we went.

So for those unfamiliar with adoption (as we were), there are specific laws you have to abide by when discharging an infant from the hospital.  At this specific hospital Nora could only be released to our lawyer.  So he had to carry her out of the hospital and drive our vehicle off the hospital property.  So I climbed in the back with Nora and Nick followed behind in the lawyer's car.  We met right down the road in the Lowe's parking lot.  It really seemed weird at the time making the exchange in the back of a Lowe's parking lot but I know down the road we will all look back and laugh.  Guess she is one of the first babies to ever go shopping at Lowe's at 2 days old!!!

It seemed like a long drive home from Southaven with rainy weather and all but I didn't mind at all because Ii was sitting right beside our daughter the whole way home ... definitely worth the wait of a lifetime.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

So Worth The Wait ... post #1

Life at our house just got a whole lot sweeter!!! God has a way of providing for His children in just the right time.  I will attempt to share as much of our adoption story as I can but please understand there are some details of her story that are very personal and we wish to keep those private.  So here goes ...

On Thursday, August 1, 2013, we received a call from a friend informing us of a potential private adoption.  All we knew at the time was she was 26 weeks along and it was a girl... well that was enough for me.  Two days later, Saturday, August 3, 2013, we met the birth mom and a friend of hers for dinner.  You could tell from the moment we met God had his hand all over this sweet girl and on the precious baby she was carrying.  As we sat and talked for a couple of hours and we shared our story with her she made the decision that night that she wanted us to be this precious girl's parents.  WOW ... we were shocked, scared, excited all in one.  So imagine how hard it's been to keep this great secret for 2 months!!!. 

As the weeks passed and we met with a lawyer and she did the same we began secretly preparing our home for the new arrival.  We made lots of trips to Memphis or Tupelo and late night runs to our local Wal-Mart hoping not to get caught with our purchases.  As we secretly awaited the arrival of our sweet girl we began falling in love with the thought of becoming parents; however, little did we know just how much our hearts would grow once we met Nora Kate.

Nora's expected due date was set for November 3, 2013.  I too am a November baby so I was excited to share my birth month with our little girl.  On Saturday, October 12, 2013, Nick and I went to have dinner with the birth mom and her mother just to catch up and begin preparations for our little arrival.  We arrived home around 10pm and when I text the birth mom to let her know we were home safely her response was quite a shock.  It read, "well I'm at the hospital my water broke when we got home they are keeping me waiting on delivery!"  I immediately sprung into action gathering up a baby bag for Nora (yes I was unprepared I thought I had a little more time) and throwing some things in a bag for us and most of all making sure we didn't forget the car seat!! Off we went to Southaven to await the arrival of our greatest blessing.  We made it in record timing!!! Glad there was no traffic and no cops!!

The next several hours are somewhat of a blur.  As we made camp in the family waiting room pushing chairs together managing to sleep a few minutes here and there the night lasted forever.  Into the next day time inched by as we waited for the notice of the birth.  Nora Katherine was born on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 2:35pm.  She weighed 5 pounds 8 ounces and was 18.5 inches long and absolutely perfect.  As we anxiously await  the time to meet this little miracle my heart was overflowing with love for someone I had never met.  As the nursery nurse placed the infant arm band on my arm tears of joy and sadness filled my heart.  For in this instant I knew my dreams of motherhood were finally coming true yet my heart ached for the birth mother and the decision she was making.  Nick and I instantly began praying for this sweet, innocent, miracle we had yet to meet and we prayed for the birth mother and her family as they began dealing with the hours and days to come. 

It was love at first sight!!!

When this sweet little miracle was placed in my arms for the first time you can tell from the picture it was a very emotional time.  I had waited for 7 years to be called "momma" and as the nurse laid her in my arms and called me momma my heart melted.

In the 10+ years we have been together I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen by husband cry ... but this one topped this list!!! I've never seen someone cry such tears of joy (besides myself).  It's amazing how quickly this little baby has melted his heart!!

After we were able to spend some alone time with Nora Katherine we decided we better share our little miracle with the rest of the family.  As you can see from the pictures below the grandparents were just as excited as we were.  Nick is an only child so this is the first grandchild for his parents who are pictured below.

Even though my parents are a pro at this grandparent thing with little Nora being the 5th grandchild, they were just as excited to welcome this miracle baby we had prayed for, for so long.

 So as you can tell, October 13, 2013, will be a day my family will remember for many years.  While the seven years of waiting was hard and often tested my faith, God plans had been in the works for many years.  For you see, the number seven means completion ... " By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done " Genesis 2:2-3.  Our family of three is now complete!!!

Stayed tuned for the rest of the story ...

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Still Praying ...

I know, I know I am awful about updating this blog but I honestly have every intention of doing it weekly it just somehow gets pushed to the back burner.  I will try to do better.  Many of you are wondering where we are at in our adoption journey and though I would love to tell you awsome news ...  we are still waiting and praying for a full house!!!  Although some days it seems like a lifetime ago we were approved for adoption in all actuality it was just 3 months ago (I guess thinking about all the years we have waited even long before adoption) ... in this instance it doesn't seem like time is flying too fast.  We have not heard any updates on Baby Fiveash, but I am assured this sweet baby is covered in prayer daily by family and friends and of course the parents-to-be!!!  We are still working on the room little by little in all of our free time ... wait I haven't found any free time lately .... guess that's why the room isn't done yet, but we are making some progress.  I keep telling myself the room doesn't have to be done for me to bring a baby home ... Nick says it doesn't matter because I probabaly won't put the baby down anyways!!!

As we go throughout this journey, often difficult as it may be, I have been trying to have the patience of Job.  As many of you have heard countless Bible stories, Job demonstrated patience and faith while suffering many trials; and our trials are by no means like his.  So I tell myself if Job can do it then so can I.  Since our journey began almost 7 years ago with a desire to bring a child into our little family, God has been teaching me patience and somedays I feel like I am not a good student at all, but then other days I am reminded by little things that God is still working miracles and He is working on my miracle in just the right time.  So my prayer now is that my time table will be His time-table.  So not sure if you've ever asked God to change your heart like His but it is a hard thing to do so maybe that will be another miracle in itself too.

So while you are out and about during your summer vacations please tag me in facebook pictures or email me pictures ( of your location and of you wearing your Praying for a Full house shirts.  I want to create a scrap book for Baby Fiveash to one day explain how they were loved and covered in prayer long before they were ours!!!

So as we continue along, please join with us and pray for Baby Fiveash.  We ask for prayers for this sweet baby, the birthparent(s) who will ultimately choose us for parents, and for our families as they stand beside us during the trying and difficult days.  And as my only nephew says, "Pray for a Boy!!! although the gender doesn't matter to me at all; I just need a baby to love.  We can't begin to express to you as family and friends just how much it means to have your love and support and because of you Baby Fiveash is already blessed beyond measure.

With all our love,

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We are in the process of ordering a 2nd batch of adoption shirts.  We will still offer the red and gray colors but are adding the lagoon blue color which is fabulous for short or long sleeves.  So if you are interested please email me or inbox me on facebook.  Here's a look at the t-shirt color below.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Trip to D.C. Summer 2013

It's hard to believe that the summer is 1/2 over with, but so far it's been a good one.  I had a lot of mixed emotions about taking a family vacation this year but the in the end it was well worth it.  I was scared if we left town "The Call" would come but then I realized it didn't matter if we were home or away if it was the right time "the call" would come no matter where we were so D.C. met The Fiveash's "Two of a kind" and my sweet parents. 

We had never been to D.C. before so it was kinda a history lesson and vacation all in one.  We walked, and walked, and walked some more; this was probably the first vacation I didn't gain weight from eating!!!  We had a great weather and saw tons of memorable museums and statues.
I can think of 3 important things I learned in D.C. other than historical facts. 
 1. Tennis Shoes go with any outfit- I promise your feet will thank you later. 
2. Put on lots of deodrant!!! I promise you will encounter someone during your day that a:) didn't wear enough or b:) didn't wear any at all!!!
3. Be sure to the bathroom every where there is a nice one!!! Sometimes clean bathrooms are few and far between in the city.
So I won't torture you with a day by day play of our trip, but overall it was an amazing trip we all really enjoyed and desperately needed!!  However, as always this Two of a Kind was praying and supporting Baby Fiveash all the way in Washington D.C.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Waiting on God's Will

So it's been a while since my last post but we have been unbelievably busy lately; I like to think of it as Gods way of preparing us for our upcoming addition by learning to juggle everything. But while everything often looks great on the outside I will admit I've been struggling lately with waiting!  Just ask my parents or my hubby I don't like to wait but I am slowly learning to wait on the right timing of everything learning to take in all the beauty around me while I wait. After a busy day at work, visitation at the funeral for a church member, supper, Walmart for my nieces birthday gift, home to work some more I finally had a few minutes to scroll through Facebook to catch up on the world. In doing so I came across the following status of a friend and former classmate that stated:

As much as you want to plan your life, 
it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things 
that will make you happier than you originally plan. 
That's called God's Will!  
( thanks Lauren Patton for letting me borrow this)

This status made me stop immediately and realize God's will for our little Fiveash family is going to be far grander than I can hardly imagine. I can't count how times people have told me how blessed we will be once our family grows but I don't think I can imagine how grand this will be!! It's beyond my greatest imagination. So while I struggle with waiting and I am sure I will continue to struggle until the day we bring that sweet baby into our family I will cling to the verse below:

I loved you at your darkest. 
Romans 5:8

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Monday, April 29, 2013

What will it be like to be a Mother?

As Mother's Day fast approaches my nerves begin to get a little on edge.  Don't get me wrong I am beyond blessed to have the wonderful mother and mother-in-law that I do but still there is a longing I so desire that's not YET complete.  For years this specific holiday has been beyond bearable but God has brought me through every one and I know He will do the same yet again in a few weeks.  I find myself trying to keep my mind off the little things during this time year but there is always a little reminder that our Two of a Kind is not yet complete. 

Up until recently I have avoided most baby showers and holding new born babies (unless they were close friends or family) just because I felt my heart couldn't take any more "ache" but recently God has given me an "easy, peacfuly feeling" that He's got this all under control.  While my heart knows that God is preparing the most pefect little one just for us my head does not always understood that everything happens in His timing not ours. A passage of scripture that has been our theme throughout our adoption journey is:

"and whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive if you have faith"
Matthew 21:22

I have found myself the last few days thinking about what it will be like to be a mother; to care for my own child and not have to take them back to their real parents.  Both of my sisters are great at letting me "borrow" their kids when I get that urge to "feel like a mommy" but eventually I have to take them home.  Just last night while Nick and I were at Wal-Mart I saw a young couple (younger than us) with a toddler (maybe 2-3) then the mom pushing a shopping cart with twins.  I instantly began to imaging how our shopping trips will change and I don't mind one bit if we need two grocery carts; one for baby or babies and one for diapers, formula, and all the other essentials.  I hear all the time ... " Just wait till you have to start buying formula, dipers, etc... you will then wish it was just the 2 of you again."  Well I can't imagine feeling that way ... I've waited for almost 7 years to do those things I don't think I'll ever get tired of them. 

A friend of mine who is current going through the adoption proceedings too posted the following poem to her blog last week and it's stopped me dead in my tracks ... I couldn't finish it because of the tears flowing down my face.  This poem sums up my heart's desire to be a Mother!  As you read this I do not intend to offend anyone or make anyone feel that I think I will be a better mother ( for we all feel we will be or are better mothers to our children than anyone else) but for anyone who has ever lost a child or longed for a child this poem shares the desires of our hearts.

Thoughs on Becoming a Mother
There are women who become mothers without effort, without thought, without
patience or loss, and though they are good mother and love their children,
I know that i will be better.
I will be better not because of genetics or money or becuase I have read more books,
but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.
I have longed and waited.
I have cried and prayed.
I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child for the rest of my life.
I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child,
knowing that I can comfort, hild, and feed him'her and that I am not waking to cry tears of a broken dream.
My dream will be crying for me.
I could myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with whcih i will look upon my child.
Whether I parent a child I actually gave birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love.
I will be a better mother for all that I have endured.
I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend, and sister because I have known pain.
I know disillusionment, as I have been betrayed by my own body.  I have been tried by fire and hell that many never face, yet give time, I stood tall!
I have prevailed.
I have succceeded.
I have won.
So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort.
I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs.
I listen.
And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely.
I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth when life is beyond hard.
I have learned a compassion that only comes by walking in those shoes.  I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes, i will be a wonderful mother!
Auther Unknown
As we prepare for Mother's Day this year I pray we all will thank God for His many blessings, all of which we do not deserve, and remember to thank Him for your mother and for making you a Mother!!!!

Praying for "Our Full House"

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Monday, April 22, 2013

New Blog Design

So if you haven't checked out my blog lately.  I've had a complete overall done.  Special thanks to my friend Megan Johnson and Ginger Shook for introducing me to  Jenisa Ritter @ Pixel Me Perfect ( who redesigned my blog.  I think it's super cute and fits us to a T.  We are in the process of working on Baby Fiveash's room.  Paint colors have been picked out.  Fabric bought and a special friend is making the baby beding for little Baby Fiveash.  Now if wal-mart would just get the baby bed back in stock we would be in business.  I promise pictures to come soon.

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